Our Women’s Ministry welcomes women of all ages and walks of life. Our programs have emerged based on the needs of women and provide a loving atmosphere where women laugh, listen and learn. We are driven by a desire for all women to know Jesus Christ in a personal way, and to supply encouragement through all of life’s journeys.
Learn and grow together as you enter into the spring. Whether you are new to the faith, or you’ve been walking with Christ for a while, you’ll find classes for all levels of learning.
Class Offerings, Descriptions & Book Links
Limited childcare will be offered on Tuesday mornings for ages 6 mo. – kindergarten for $10 per child. Please register your children
New This Semester: All participants will purchase their own books prior to the start of Bible Study. Links to purchase the books are included in each class description.
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) meet together to laugh, cry, learn and embrace the journey of motherhood. MOPS groups rally women to be more honest and feel more equipped by journeying alongside one another. Get to know other moms through our bi-weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings, play dates, special events, social media groups, monthly newsletters and more!
“Moms in the Middle” is a group for moms parenting kindergarten and older children and encountering the challenges that come with this stage. At these gatherings, you can catch your breath, connect with others facing the unique demands of parenting older children and build relationships that will help you sharpen your focus on what’s important to your family.