Pursuing Our Mission in this Season

West Shore Free Church is called to “Seeking the good of the West Shore and beyond through deep truth, deep lives, and deep love for the glory of Christ.” In order to pursue that mission during the COVID-19 pandemic, WSFC leadership seeks to apply the scriptural principles below as we make decisions and plans for our programs and gatherings.

  • Love The Lord

    • Demonstrate our ultimate faith, hope, and trust in the Lord (Matt 6:25-34)
    • Seek still waters and green pastures of spiritual nourishment from the Lord (Ps 23:1-3)
    • Honor our God-ordained authorities when it does not conflict with obedience to the Lord (Rom 13:1-7; Eph 1:22-23)
    • Maintain a witness in our community that causes people to glorify the Lord (1 Pet 2:12-17)
  • Love One Another

    • Meet regularly to encourage one another (Heb 10:24-25)
    • Grow our capacity to sacrifice for and honor one another (Rom 14)
    • Maintain unity in the Spirit with one another (1 Cor 13:4-7; Eph 4:1-3; Col 3:14-15)
    • Fight our spiritual battle with evil, rather than one another (Eph 6:10-18)
  • Love Our Neighbors

    • Communicate our trust in the Lord to our neighbors (Ps 40:1-5)
    • Demonstrate our love and care for our neighbors (Lk 10:25-37; Rom 13:8-10)
    • Share the hope, peace, and freedom of the Gospel with our neighbors (Matt 5:15-16)
    • Seek to meet the physical and emotional needs of our neighbors (Jer 29:7)


We will continue to provide weekly onsite and online worship opportunities, which include Awesome Adventure classes, A-Team class, Fellowship Groups and Student Ministry on Sundays.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, we encourage you to worship online from home.

Face-coverings and social distancing are up to the discretion of attendees.


We will continue to encourage LifeGroups to meet at their own discretion, including virtual gatherings.

Other Ministries

Other ministries will continue to have events and activities. Virtual gatherings will continue to be offered at the discretion of the ministry.

Face-coverings and social distancing are up to the discretion of attendees.

Have questions about our Covid-19 response?