Child dedication is an opportunity to celebrate that children are a gift from the Lord to be stewarded for His glory. Parents thank God for blessing them with children and then offer their children back to Him, acknowledging their responsibility and accountability to God for how they raise their children.
Parents, we want to equip you for the journey of raising your children, so we ask that you attend two classes prior to the dedication service. During those classes, we will look at God’s expectations of us as parents and differentiate between the crucial role that parents, the church and the Holy Spirit play in passing down a vibrant faith to the next generation. You will gain practical ideas and tools to take with you and use as your children grow.
This is the first class needed in the process of child dedication. Following the two child dedication classes, we are holding a celebration service to dedicate your child and a light dessert reception. This class is held in Room 200, during the 9 a.m. service.
Contact: Lisa Dunlap