Co-Ed 5 Week Workshop: Cold-Case Christianity


January 29


6:30 - 8:00 PM


Room 202

West Shore Free Church
1345 Williams Grove Rd
Mechanicsburg, PA United States

+ Google Map

Skeptics and atheists are making the following claims about the four Gospels:

· The Gospels were changed over time.

· The Gospels are not historically accurate.

· I don’t trust the authors of the Gospels because they are biased. They are friends of Jesus so of course they’re going to say nice things about Him and exaggerate some claims about Him.

· Matthew, Mark, Luke,and John were not present to see the things they wrote about in the Gospels because they are fairytales written long after the “eyewitnesses” were dead.

· The apostles lied about the resurrection. They were manufactured by conspirators who wanted to fool those who were not at the scene.

In this class, we will work through these claims. We will learn from Detective Wallace, a former atheist, who tested the accuracy and reliability of the New Testament Gospel accounts and came to see that the case for Christianity was as strong as any case he would bring before a judge. We’ll follow along as he investigates the historical evidence and “questions” the witnesses.

Purchasing the Cold-Case Christianity 10th Edition book is highly recommended but not required.

For those who like to read ahead of a class, we have a recommended reading schedule. Email Cindy Parker ( to request a copy.

*Registration is recommended but not required (this will help us to have enough seating and copies of handouts).

Contact: Cindy Parker