Try alpha

Alpha is a place to have spiritual conversations for people who would not consider themselves religious. Over the course of 11 weeks, each session includes a meal, a short film that looks at a question about God, and the opportunity to share your perspective in a small group. No pressure. No strings attached.

  • Topics for the sessions

    Week 1: Alpha kick-off, Is there more to life than this?
    Week 2: Who is Jesus?
    Week 3: Why did Jesus die?
    Week 4: How can I have faith?
    Week 5: How and why do I pray?
    Week 6: How and why do I read the Bible?
    Week 7: How does God guide us?
    Week 8: Who is the Holy Spirit?

    Alpha Day Away 
    What does the Holy Spirit do?
    How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
    What about the rest of my life?

    Week 9: How can I resist evil?
    Week 10: Does God heal today?
    Week 11: Why and how can I tell others?

  • Have questions about Alpha?

    Reach out to Reneé at

Alpha Marriage Course

The Alpha Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. Each evening includes dinner, a film, and a private conversation with your spouse. Think of this like a date! Learn more about this course. Space is limited to 20 couples. If you have questions, please contact Matt and Monica.

Begins Thursday, February 24

Register Today!

The Marriage Course Logo

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